Here is the actual text from Trumps Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.

I'm so sick of the misinterpretation of President Trump's executive order on Immigration. I've heard several news agencies naming several countries whose citizens have been banned by "Trump", but if you read the entire executive order and the actual Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 8 U.S. Code Part II - Admission Qualifications for Aliens; Travel Control of Citizens and Aliens, particularly Section 1187 called out in the executive order, which by the way was enacted way before President Trump entered office, it only lists 2 countries (Iraq and Syria). Here's the caveat: it specifically calls out Iraq, Syria, or "Any Other Country or Area of Concern". It states "the alien has not been present, at any time on or after March 1, 2011 - (I) in Iraq or Syria; (II) in a country that is designated by the Secretary of State..."
So, where do all of the other countries come from that the media is talking about. Well, interestingly enough, they came from the Obama administration. A CNN article stated, "In December 2015, President Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in what it called an effort to address 'the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.'"
Okay, so it wasn't Trump who directly chose these countries. The law was already written and the vetting problem in America is still broken. The president just wants a more secure entry program into this country that will help prevent terrorists from entering the country. He wants a good review and implementation of a vetting program that works can be proven. That includes a thorough review of the INA and other related legislation so your interests can be protected from potential terrorists. Unfortunately, people from the countries previously identified by the Obama administration as potential threat countries are unable to enter the country until this review process is complete and the law is adjusted accordingly so we can better defend our borders from terrorists.
Further more, Trumps executive order made no mention to Muslims, unlike several media outlets that put "Muslim ban" in their headlines. Once again, liberal media is throwing things way out of proportion to cause riots, unrest and protests world wide. Must be their revenge from being called out by Trump with their "fake news".
Stand by your country and stand by your president. Don't let big media fool you into believing what they want you to believe in. Do your own research. Read the laws. If you can't, go find another country and stand by them. We don't want or need you here.