
Opponents of Gun-Free Zones at Universities Find Unlikely Hero in Nevada Woman

Opponents of Gun-Free Zones at Universities Find Unlikely Hero in Nevada Woman. The debate to keep and bear arms escalates in college campuses where victims of heinous crimes who legally purchase guns and have a concealed gun permits are told they still can't carry their guns.

Please post your thoughts on this matter.

To check out the gun laws in your state, visit NRA-ILA Gunlaws Website.


  1. The sad thing is, as prepared as you may be, you never know when something bad is going to happen. When serial criminals plan their crimes, some do their homework. They know when they will have the greatest advantage over their victims - ie. they know that the college campus doesn't allow students to carry guns.

    Are colleges really thinking about people's safety? Unless they have armed guards on every corner of a fenced in campus and have security available to walk every student home or to their car on and off campus, how can they justify such a rule?

  2. Arizona Governor vetoes college gun bill. Sad news for the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Take them to court!


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