
'Real Housewives of D.C.' canceled -- for real this time

'Real Housewives of D.C.' canceled -- for real this time - From Inside the Box - Zap2it. I can't believe I'm posting this, but I want some well rounded news from all corners of the headlines. My point of this post is to solicite response on the question: "How real is the reality of reality shows?" For those of you who follow all of the "housewives of ______" and other reality TV shows, how many of you think this is a true depiction of their lives?


  1. How about Filming Reality TV shows with hidden cameras. Unlike the hidden camera shows that were on in the past, Reality TV claims to show the "real everyday life" of its participants. But when people are on camera and know it, they act totally different and do things that will get better ratings.

    I don't watch the Real Housewives of ______ very often (only catch pieces of it here and there when my wife is watching it), but how can they have people that are not wives any more on the show? Most of them are divorced or going through a divorce. They should be immediately kicked off the show at that point.

  2. Reality TV, the demise of American society with the likes of "Jersey Shore, Housevives".....ugh......I think we need to turn our time to family and our immediate local everyday society. Volunteer, clean up the streets etc. In the news we only get served extremely biased left wing or extreme right wing crap. We need something real, antreprenourship, willing to work, CAN-DO attitude. Things that build America great.

    If we're going to make shows, how about "Life without limbs after and IED" or "I lost my manufacturing job to China".

    You Bro in Law.



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