
Shutdown would take away $32 million a day from national parks

Shutdown would take away $32 million a day from national parks. Here's an interesting point to ponder during a potential Government shutdown. In the midst of budget problems and growing debt, let's just take away income pouring into the budget to pay our debts to try and solve the problem.

If the Government shuts down, so will the National Parks that bring in nearly $32 million dollars a DAY.

Please post your comments. This affects a lot of people right there in Montana with Glacier National Park.

1 comment:

  1. CNN posted an interactive list of What's closed, what's open?

    I'm sure this list will grow, but it's amazing how they decide who will work and who won't. I understand some of the programs, but the ones that produce income for the country and our troops "not getting paid on time" are really not right.

    This will eventually trickle down to the already stressed state governments depending on how long it lasts forcing some states to take the same drastic measures.


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